City of North Bend

City Government
City Utilities and Services
City Hall: Business hours: 8 a.m. to noon, 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
PO Box 401
607 Main Street, North Bend, NE 68649
Ph: 402-652-3584
Mayor: Rod Scott
City Council: President Alex Legge,
Ken Streff, Chuck Krenzer, Waylon Fischer
City Clerk: Theresa Busse
2024 Memberships: International Institute of Municipal Clerks ($185 dues), League of Nebraska Municipalities ($5,019), League of Nebraska Municipalities – Utilities Section ($637), Nebraska Economic Development District ($1,701.07), Nebraska Municipal Clerks Association ($100) Nebraska Rural Water Association ($350), North Bend Chamber of Commerce ($60), Three Rivers Clerk Association ($10)
City Code and Ordinances
Zoning Ordinance Click to view PDF
Nebraska Basic Code of Ordinances
Click on underlined title and chapter heads to download PDF copies of the various ordinances. Titles 1-15 apply to all Nebraska cities of the second class (populations of 801-5,000) Title 17 is local ordinances that apply specifically to North Bend
Reflecting legislation current through Oct 1, 2024
30. Elected Officials; Ordinances
31. Appointed City Officials
32. Departments, Boards and Commissions
33. General Provisions
34. Elections
35. Finance and Revenue
70. General Provisions
71. Traffic Regulations
72. Parking Regulations
90. Leisure and Recreation
91. Health and Safety
92. Public Ways and Property
93. Animals
Title XI: Business Regulations
110. Business Licensing
111. Alcoholic Beverages
112. Tobacco and Cigarettes
113. Sales and Advertising
130. Property Offenses
131. Offenses Against Public Order
132. Offenses Against Public Justice and Administration
133. Offenses Against Public Health and Safety
134. Offenses Against Public Morals
150. Building Regulations
Parallel References: References to Nebraska Revised Statues
Local Legislation
Adopting Ordinances - This is an annual ordinance passed to make updates in the Nebraska Basic Code
Title XVII: Local Legislation - updated 2019
Meetings, Compensation, Police Chief, Police Department, Fire Department, Library Board, Board of Health
Water Department, Sewer Department, Landfill
Engine Braking, Snow Emergency Routes, UTVs, ATVs
Chapter 174: General Regulations
Animals, Public Amusements, Railroad Companies, Fire Prevention, Municipal Swimming Pool, Streets and Sidewalks, Trees, Miscellaneous Fees, Parks and Recreation, Municipal Auditorium, Nuisances
Chapter 175: Business Regulations
General Provisions, Cable Television, Franchises, Peddlers and Hawkers, Street Vendors
Curfew, Sexual Predator Residency Restrictions
General Provisions, Zoning and Subdivisions, Building Moving, Mobile Home Parks, Flood Plain Regulations, Comprehensive Plan
Parallel References for Title XVII
References to Nebraska Basic Code, References to Prior Code, References to Ordinances
Police: Dodge County Sheriff's Office
Electricity: supplied by OPPD
Natural Gas: Black Hills Energy
Phone, TV, Internet: Great Plains Communications
Water and Sewer: City of North Bend
Public Library: 13th and Main streets. Library website.
Click above for information on plugging drains to prevent sewage backup in case of a flood or heavy rain.
If you're looking for a particular ordinance or regulation on a certain subject, use the indexes below to point you in the right direction.
Index for Titles I-XV: Nebraska Basic Code
Index for Title XVII: Local Legislation
How to use the index:
Use the first number (or two) in the ordinances cited to find the corresponding chapter. For example, to find 134.03, look under Title XIII, chapter 134, and find code 134.03.
All codes are listed. Titles are named using only odd numbers. For example, there is no Title II (2).